Merry Selling

Summary: Almost any business can get in on the holidays; it’s people's favorite time to buy! So here are some advertising tips for the "most wonderful time of the year" (to sell).

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Almost any business can get in on the holidays; it’s people’s favorite time to buy!

The holiday season, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, brings in a little over $789 billion for retailers yearly. A third of most retail sales happen between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, with $8.9 billion on Black Friday alone! Even with the online retailer presence today, people still want to spend time in retail shops. People are excited and ready to shop. So here are some advertising tips for the “most wonderful time of the year” (to sell).

#1 Emotional Appeal

The emotions of the holiday season pull attention. The holiday season is nostalgic, warm, and cozy. emotional or sensory details will get people in the spirit. The proof is in any ad you look at this time of year; look at Lexus, Apple, and even Campbell’s wintertime ads. 

Using sensorial features such as patterns and colors has been proven to evoke a consumer reaction.

#2 Make it Personal

We’re all bombarded with holiday ads this time of year. It can be overwhelming and annoying. People look for the least stressful options when planning their holiday. So personalize it! It’s as easy as an email addressed to them with a special coupon. Streamlining the shopping process can also help out the shopping challenged. Amazon does this well with categories like “For Him,” “For Her,” and “Epic Holiday Deals.” 

People want to buy your products! Help them out and make it easier. 

#3 Make it Local

The threat of online shopping may seem scary, but about 46% of people report they enjoy shopping in stores. People like the tradition of holiday shopping in familiar stores. It’s more personal and quicker to bring home, and stores during the holiday season can be so inviting. So decorate and set the mood! This is where local businesses can really cash in.

People also love the feeling of giving back this season. When shops donate a small portion of their holiday sales, they get an emotional appeal, and bring the spirit of giving back to their community.

#4 Make it Known

Get started now! People expect to see holiday ads beginning November 1st. While it can be annoying, it is essential to show a presence .

The classic designer rule always works for this; keep it simple. You can say it by showing it, and you can show it by saying it – but not both! Don’t be afraid of displays and decorations. Take a slice of the billion-dollar industry. Show consumers that your business gets in on the cozy holiday traditions.

Selling during the holiday season is easy. Engage in the traditions, and people will come in ready to spend.

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