Internships: Opportunities Abound at Esparza

Summary: My name is Sofia Martinez, I'm the Spring Intern here at Esparza. Explore the internship program with me!

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Hello readers! My name is Sofia Martinez, I’m the new 2023 Spring Intern here at Esparza. I heard about this internship from a friend and, to be honest, before looking into it, I didn’t expect to be all that interested. I have seen many intern opportunities for local businesses before that haven’t piqued my interest. It’s hard to find the time to invest in your career for free, especially when you don’t feel like you’ll learn or gain anything personally. That couldn’t be further from the case here though, and I could tell from the moment I applied that this opportunity would be different in all the right ways. 

I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to intern here. I think that Esparza is so unique when it comes to the way that they provide and structure the internship opportunity. I have felt that each person here is willing – but also excited to help me learn and grow. Many interns are just used to complete busy work that team members don’t want to do and I am so glad this internship is not that way. I could try to postulate myself why the internship here works so well; but while I am here learning from within the agency, I may as well ask the professionals. Don’t worry – I’ll include some of my own reflections too. That way you can get the full story on what is going so darn well.

Kiki Jones-Lopez manages the internship program here with all of the grace and flair she is so often known for. I sat down with her to get all of the insights a business might need to guarantee their interns love their experience as much as I have. 

Question 1:

“So, Kiki, the Esparza Ignite Creative & Digital Media Internship Program has been around for quite some time. Why does Esparza offer an internship?


“The Esparza team loves to cultivate opportunities for young professionals considering entering the Marketing & Advertising field. University education is a strong foundation, but the educational setting won’t be able to provide every experience you will have once you enter the workforce. An internship is a great way to get your feet wet within the industry so that you can make sure you truly enjoy the work. These temporary team members can provide benefits to the rest of the office as well. Interns being there with time available to take over some of your tasks can be incredibly helpful.”

Sofia’s Impressions: Teaching and mentoring others in your industry can help remind you what you enjoy about what you do. It can also keep your mind fresh and remind you about the simple parts of your job that all add up to create the larger picture. There is, of course, the added benefit of interns being there with time available to take over some of your tasks. I, for example, am a fresh, enthusiastic new addition who is more than happy to help with anything an Esparzan is running out of time for. This is how it should be, your interns ideally lighten your workload and in that way, they allow you to do your best work on the things that matter.

Question 2:

“There truly is a unique approach taken here that has helped me learn so much and gain plenty of value and personal training during my time at the agency. How do you structure the program to produce the best results?


“Choosing the right people to add to your team is incredibly important. After you have an intern who fits well within your organization and culture, there are steps you can take to help further incorporate them into the work day. Esparza allows time for the interns to sit down and meet with each team member one on one. This serves two purposes, the intern gets comfortable with everyone on the team and they also discover where they would like to concentrate their time with help from the team. Is their interest in developing their creative skills, or their analytical skills? Do they feel like they can be the most helpful with writing copy or with editing video? These answers are probably different for every intern you recruit. Allowing the internship to change on a case-by-case basis is a healthy way to ensure the program stays helpful and productive. Overall, the internship program that you provide within your organization should serve every person involved. If you find yourself reflecting and feeling as though your internship is just adding extra work to your plate, we hope that these tips will help you. Keep things open-ended, and allow each intern to help structure their time with you so that they can be the most helpful.”

Sofia’s Impressions: The freedom I have had here to explore every aspect of the Agency has been very educational. I’ve learned more about myself and the areas of Digital Marketing where my strengths can best shine. Being about halfway through my time as I write this article, I can honestly say that my skill sets, qualifications, and interest have all grown immensely. So, until May, know that I am here in the office thankfully trying to brighten everyone’s day and soaking up every drop of wisdom I can along the way.

Are You Interested in Joining Esparza's Ignite Creative & Digital Media Internship Program?

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